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    Wednesday 25 May 2016

    This New Religion Is Causing An Existential Crisis At American Colleges

    NEW YORK — There's a new religifurne exploding
    on the campuses of American universities and
    colleges, says Thomas Cooley professor of ethical leadership at New York University, Jonathan Haidt. And if it isn't stopped, it might
    just be better to shut them all down in the next
    10 or 20 years.

    The religion of fundamental social justice
    sweeping across college campuses is so
    alarming, intense, and dripping with such
    extreme liberal fundamentalism, says Haidt, it
    has created an existential crisis for American
    academia while punishing heretics with public shame.

    "There is an extremely intense, fundamental
    social justice religion that's taking over, not all
    students, but a very strong [space] of it, at all
    our colleges and universities. They are
    prosecuting blasphemy and this is where we
    are," Haidt warned an audience about the religion at a lecture billed "The American
    University's New Assault on Free Speech,"
    organized by the Manhattan Institute in New
    York City this week.

    In his most recent book, The New York Times
    best-seller, The Righteous Mind: Why Good
    People are Divided by Politics and
    Religion, Haidt, a social psychologist whose
    research examines the intuitive foundations of
    morality, gives an account of the origins of the human moral sense. He shows how variations
    in moral intuitions can help explain the
    American culture war between left and right.

    On Monday, he described how fundamental
    social justice is rapidly limiting free speech by
    cultivating "sacred spaces" for issues
    supported by increasingly fragile students
    attending colleges and universities today.

    "So my research is on moral judgement, moral
    psychology, in my book the Righteous Mind, I
    give three principles of moral psychology. And
    the third principle is 'morality binds and blinds.'
    It's just a fact that as humans, we are really
    good at making something sacred. Maybe it's a rock, tree … book, a person," he said.

    "We make something sacred, we worship it,
    circle around it, often literally circling. … When
    you do that, you bind yourself together, you
    trust each other, you have a shared sacred
    object and you go forth into battle," Haidt said.

    When social issues like racism or sexism are
    treated as sacred, he says, it becomes difficult
    to have honest conversations about them.

    "So if that's the basic psychology and as
    religion itself has been retreating and kids are
    raised in a more secular environment, then
    what takes the place of that? There are lots of
    sacred spaces. Fighting racism, a very, very
    good thing to do, but when you come to sacred principles, sacred, this means no
    tradeoffs," Haidt said.

    "There is no nuance, you cannot trade off any
    other goods with it. So if you organize around
    fighting racism, fighting homophobia, fighting
    sexism, again all good things, but when they
    become sacred, when they become essentially
    objects of worship, fundamentalist religion, then when someone comes to class, someone
    comes to your campus, and they say the rape
    culture is exaggerated, they have committed
    blasphemy," he said.

    This religion of fundamental social justice is so
    frightening, even liberals are worried about it.
    But they aren't speaking up, says Haidt, who
    describes himself as a libertarian.

    "The great majority of people are really
    alarmed by what's happening. There is a small
    group on campus of illiberal people. The
    illiberal left against the liberal left. The liberal left
    is uncomfortable but has so far been silent,"
    Haidt said.

    It is this illiberalism on campus that has given
    rise to groups such as Black Lives Matter where
    "nobody can say no to them."

    "No president in the first few months stood up
    to the protesters, the president of the United
    States, finally a few weeks ago stood up to
    them," Haidt said.

    "This, I believe, is an existential crisis for our
    universities. Our universities simply cannot
    function if this keeps going, and the reason
    why is pretty obvious," Haidt explained.

    "Human beings are incredibly irrational, biased,
    imperfect creatures. We are really, really bad at
    following the truth wherever it leads. The
    brilliance of some of our classical liberal
    institutions, especially science at the university,
    is that it institutionalized disconfirmation.

    "We in science, we don't really see the truth
    unbiasedly. We each put out our models, our
    theories, we try our hardest to prove we are
    right. And other scientists say 'no, you didn't
    see, this is wrong' and then we have to defend
    it. That's the way it works, institutionalized disconfirmation. It has made us as a species as
    a culture vastly smarter than we could be if we
    were just individuals deciding things for
    ourselves," he continued.

    "So science, this is very precious, universities
    are very precious. They only work if you have
    enormous protections for institutionalized
    disconfirmation. If I say something, if I publish
    something, I have to know I'm accountable for
    it because somebody, if I say something stupid or wrong, someone will challenge me and that
    is gone," he said.

    In the current political and social climate said
    Haidt, disconfirmation has suffered.

    "If you say something stupid or unsupported
    by the evidence, on one side politically, you can
    rest assured that no one will dare challenge
    you because they will be attacked. Conversely,
    if you say something which is true, backed by
    evidence and it points toward a conservative or libertarian conclusion, you can rest assured,
    you'll be challenged very harshly," Haidt

    "Now it doesn't mean you can't publish. Some
    of us who are writing unorthodox things we
    are getting published, it's just we have to try a
    lot harder. And so the net output of universities
    is warped, it's unbalanced, it's unrepresentative
    as a whole. It's untrue," he said. "So this is why I believe we have an existential crisis. If it
    keeps going the way it's going we might as
    well just shut them all down in 10 or 20 years
    because they will be worthless."

    Haidt, however, doesn't think life will continue
    down this road for American academia
    pointing to a growing counterculture
    movement involving projects such as the Heterodox Academy .

    Heterodox academy, where Haidt is a member,
    is a politically diverse group of social scientists
    and other scholars who want to improve their
    academic disciplines.

    "We have all written about a particular
    problem: the loss or lack of 'viewpoint
    diversity.' It's what happens when everyone in
    a field shares the same political orientation and
    certain ideas become orthodoxy. We have
    come together to advocate for a more intellectually diverse and heterodox academy,"
    the group explains.

    Just this month, Haidt wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal on affirmative
    action arguing that there are better paths to racial justice in higher education.

    He is banking on some top schools joining the
    counterculture movement which he believes
    will usher in a healthier kind of diversity that
    protects disconfirmation instead of silencing it.

    "Our idea is, what if Buddha, Jesus and Martin
    Luther King were asked to come up with a
    diversity reading list. What would they pick?
    What would they want students to read before
    they engage with people who are different?"
    he asked.

    "Why do you complain about the speck in your
    neighbor's eye when you do not see the plank
    in your own? Wouldn't that be a great thing for
    people to read before they arrive in college?
    How about Dale Carnegie? How to Win Friends
    and Influence People?" he continued.

    "Given that diversity training does not work or
    backfires, American companies and universities
    spend billions of dollars a year, on something
    that doesn't work or makes things worse. We
    think there is a market for a radically different
    kind of diversity training," Haidt said. "And we can begin to disrupt this whole industry. So we
    are doing all these projects to use market
    forces to swamp the illiberals and basically take
    advantage of people's disgust with the current

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