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    Saturday 13 August 2016

    Devotion: God Still Loves You

    God Still Loves You

     ROMANS 8:38-39 NLT 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God's love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow -- not even the powers of hell can separate us from God's love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below -- indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. At one time you may have believed God loved you.

    But now, because of what you have done, you may not understand how God could possibly still love you. But He does! ROMANS 5:8 NLT 8 But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. God loved you while you were a sinner, in rebellion against Him. And He has not changed His mind! We must understand that God does not love us because we deserve His love, but because it is His nature to love.

     1 JOHN 4:8 NLT 8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. Why does God love you? Because He has a loving nature. And because He created you. We tend to evaluate people, including ourselves, like we would a factory: by what we produce. But that is the world's way of thinking, not God's.

    I certainly have been like that. When I did good things it was easier to think of myself as a good person who God would love. But when I was not accomplishing much, it was easy to think of myself as worthless. Although God did create us with the ability to do good works, we don't have to do good works for God to love us.

    God does not love us because of what we do for Him, but because of who we are -- His workmanship, His children, made in His likeness. The world values us by what we produce, but God values us for who we are. You are valuable and precious to God, not because of what you are able to do for Him, but because of who you are. You are His creation.

    God knows your true value because He created you in His image. You may only see your present situation, but God sees your potential and your future.

     A good father does not provide for his children based on what they do for him, like a pimp or a slave master, but on the basis of his love for them as his children. Although a good father may use incentives to encourage and train his children in right behavior, he would never withhold his love or necessary provision for his children until they perform perfectly and produce abundantly.

     Jesus taught that we should relate to God as a good Father. God is raising a family, and He will not disown you just because you make mistakes. Jesus, as your Savior, has accepted responsibility to teach, train, and mature you into the person God intended -- someone everyone will love.

    God never will give up on you. You were created in His image, determined and designed by God to be a glorious creature. Just because you have not yet lived up to your potential is not enough to cause God to discard you.

    God is patient, and He is still working on you, making you what you are supposed to be. No doubt you have made mistakes -- we all have. But God's love for you is not dependent on you being perfect. There may still be consequences from your bad decisions, but God giving up on you will never be one of them.
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